Thursday, February 27, 2020

Young Living FAVES Lately

Happy Thursday, friends!

I wanted to hop in here and tell you about some of my favorite Young Living products lately. It's no secret I love and use their products in pretty much every area of our life - laundry, hair, oils, sleep, hormones, muscles, supplements, what am I missing? Ha. - And know many of you are interested in non-toxic products too, so I wanted to share a few I'm especially enjoying lately. 

This essential oil infused acne spot cream is new to me - I just got it for the first time last month, and I've been LOVING it to apply to certain ornery spots that need to be zapped. I notice they typically will begin drying out once I apply it which is perfect. I try to apply a couple times a day on especially tricky spots. I also will use it along the pores on the sides of my nose and on my chin to reduce the appearance of blackheads and such. So glad I decided to try it! 

I've been focusing on supporting my hormones lately and these have been favorites! Pro + is such a gem in this area of regulating hormones, and the others are in Dragon Time (which I'm currently out of!), so I've been using them a few days before my period begins to help ease the cramping. The entire Dragon Time line is amazing for us ladies and our cycles! 

Believe has been a favorite blend of mine for quite some time. I used it a lot during my pregnancy with Ainsley, actually! I have memories of midwives walking into my appointment room, asking when I was wearing because it smelled so good. Many days, it was believe! Or believe + patchouli, a combo I love. Anyway, the blend of oils can help encourage feelings of strength and faith which is super timely for this season for me (after being laid off last month). As an enneagram 6, it's a great blend for most seasons for me really! I LOVE it. And it smells amazing. 

It has: Balsam, Coriander, Bergamot, Frankincense, Idaho Blue spruce, Ylang ylang, and Geranium. See? Heavenly, I'm telling you. 

NingXia Red is a MUST for us. Nick has used it regularly all winter and has made it through so many rounds of all of his co-workers being sick, except for him. This immune boosting powerhouse is a must-order every other month for us! Ainsley is a huge fan too since it is so yummy! We just take 1/2 shot glass (about 1oz) a day since it is so power-packed. A little goes a long way. 

A note about wellness too - I didn't start by diving into EVERYthing at once. You just have to start somewhere. It's also been YEARS of trying and learning and experimenting. We would replace one item at a time in out house on our journey to use clean products. It doesn't have to be overwhelming, I promise. Just start somewhere, one step at a time! 

If you've been using these products for a while, I would love to hear your favorites lately! Even after 5.5 years of receiving MONTHLY shipments of these goodies, there are still so many more things I have yet to try. So I would love to hear your suggestions! 

I hope y'all have a wonderful day! 

Be well, my friends! 

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