Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Discomfort Routine

Hey friends! I promise I haven't forgotten about this blog you're reading ;). I can certainly fall into the #InstagramAteMyBlog category... Anywho, we just got back from a wonderful vacation California this weekend and I have lots of photos to share! 

Until then, I thought I'd share a quick video I made as part of my oil team's June challenge. You can check out other posts my teammates are doing on Instagram & Facebook with the hashtag #EFLearnAndShareChallenge. I've been posting daily tips over on the blog's Facebook page too!

Here's the link to the video if it doesn't appear. 

I hope you enjoy it & keep posted, I'll be posting photos from the trip as soon as my computer will cooperate with me posting them. 

Today's Pinspiration:
How easy it can be to forget this. Photo from the Oola Guys Facebook page (I love them! Go follow them on Facebook)

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