Thursday, August 7, 2014

Simple Egg Salad, R's B-Day & Anniversary #5!

 There's so much good stuff stuff in this post! Food, puppies (or singular in this case), and marriage. These are some of my favorite things!

Last Saturday, I happened to be looking through Five Chicks Wellness's IG account and came across the perfect Saturday lunch recipe. And I had everything on had I needed. Sold! (ps - you should follow her if you don't already - her family is adorable, they own their own farm, have many wellness tips and ideas and they're just great. You'll love Lynsey!)

So I hardboiled my eggs, cut my tomatoes and lettuce and got to work. 

 I didn't measure, but I had 6 eggs (it served the two of us, so you'll want to use more eggs for more people!), mayo, dill pickle relish & extra juice from the jar, a pinch of salt and pepper, and paprika on top. I mixed it and topped our tomatoes + lettuce and enjoyed. It was such a fresh and tasty lunch!

Nick said they could sell at a nice restraint for $12 per plate :) good answer, honey! 

I used up some extra egg salad just on tomatoes. It's good every way you serve it. 

Yesterday was our puppy's FIRST birthday! 

One year ago, we met this tiny 3.5 ounce puppy that has changed our lives. Feel free to stalk my IG account back to a year ago with videos of me rubbing Indy's pregnant belly and seeing this boy chase my finger across her belly (when he was still in her belly) and all the photos I took in his early days. I miss that tiny boy! But every phase has its perks :) 

 This was one of our birthday-photos outtakes. I didn't adjust the focus on this photo at all - it just so happens his skeptical big eye is just about the only thing in focus! Ha, this one makes me laugh!

 Here's a more normal one of me and this puppyboy. He's had me wrapped around his paw since before he was born. He doesn't make life easy, but we've learned so much, even about ourselves, that is helpful for us. Plus, every time he does something naughty, he does something super cute the next time I look, it makes it all worth it. We love you, Rangerboy!

Tomorrow is Nick and I's 5th anniversary and I'm so excited. I love anniversaries/date nights/marriage, etc. It's also my adoption day, which we've always celebrated in my family, so it's always such a fun day! Cheers to 5 years, my love!

Today's Pinspiration:
I love this and have been learning more about this lately. We can't always wait for the perfect time - sometimes, we have to take advantage of things in the moment, here and now. If we wait for perfect, we may miss out on so much during the wait. 
(Pinterest Source)

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