Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall Temps

As fall begins tomorrow (happy fall, ya'll!), I thought we'd compare the Minnesota temps and the Texas temps for the next 10 days according to The Weather Channel, also to see what Nick should expect when he gets up there next week (I know, I'm freaking out a bit that it's NEXT WEEK!)....



Looks like I can enjoy the pool a bit longer here, yesss! I need all the vitamin D I can get before going back into hibernation (a.k.a. "up north") don'tcha know ;)

Here are some photos from our walk earlier this week...

We're really going to miss this walk - it's SO beautiful and serene which is more difficult to find in the middle of the city. It actually reminds me of walks we went on living in Minnesota.

Soaking up the warm Texas sun while we have it... (in between packing all of our stuff that is!).

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