Call it Spring decorating and cleaning - I needed some brighter colors in here and really needed to get rid of clothes I haven't worn in years and ones that I love but just don't fit anymore. I had some free afternoons and decided I'd git-r-done!
Here's my new Springy centerpiece! I got the artificial hydrangea for $7, the vase for $13 (click HERE to find it on Pier 1's site in other colors) and the shell [plate mat] centerpiece for $10 (and the square centerpiece for under $2 I told you about HERE a few weeks back) at Pier 1 and I love them! The shell centerpiece would look especially great on a darker or lighter surface. They're really versatile too and I could easily use each piece in many different ways around our home. |
Here's another vase I got for $10 on clearance and the hydrangea for $7 also at Pier 1. I love these bright and fun colors - our home needed them pretty badly. As we registered for wedding gifts a few years ago I had our wedding colors on the brain (red, bronze/gold and brown) so our home has many of those colors which are great warm colors for the winter but too stuffy and dark for me in the spring/summertime, so I needed to brighten things up a bit (plus I still had some birthday money left over! ;). |
I also bought a few more napkin ring holders (they were 20% off and all under $5 anyway) to add some inexpensive pops of color around here. |
Moving on to the closet purge... I was up for the challenge this weekend and decided now was better than later. Time to get rid of old clothes!
Here are all the skirts, pants, capris and shorts that are going. They were good to me, but all most are too small now. Sad day, but it was inevitable since many are from high school (ok some I bought in the past year, but let's pretend they shrunk in the laundry... ;)). |
Here's the pile once I added sweaters, jackets, shirts and pajamas. It toppled over a few times. Some of you may even recognize some of the clothes! I thought of many memories I had in them as I tossed them to the pile. Some newer stuff I'll see if I can sell to Plato's closet (love that store) and the rest will go to Goodwill. Out with the old and in with the new! | |
My dwindled down skirts/pants/shorts/capris section. |
My many free hangers! Just a few weeks ago I told Nick we need to buy more since we were running out - well we're good for a while now! ;) |
Bart and I have to get rid of a lot of stuff that we don't wear anymore. We have great closet space in our apartment but I don't want them to just have clothes in them.
I love the spring decor. I have been shopping for fun this to decorate the apartment with. Too bad I have to wait till May 6th to do it.
Getting rid of clothes not worn anymore can feel really great :) Good luck with yours and your decorating, Maria!
CUTE decor and jealous of your closet purge!! lol
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