I've posted some photos from the 4th of July and our recent trip to Texas to find our place to live! Enjoy...

Ready and waiting for the Independence Day parade to begin on this HOT 90+ degree day

These unicyclists were great!

Our first steak ever cooked as a married couple :) This was our 4th of July celebration dinner with quinoa on the side. Have you tried quinoa? If not, you should try
this recipe (same one I used for this side). Amazing. Plus, quinoa has some seriously great health benefits! Read about it at that link.

Ready for fireworks!

The pretty sunset we watched as we waited

And the finale
Here's our trip to Texas...It was fairly exhausting and had its stressful moments but successful in the end as we found a great place to live (with just few hours left to spare!). We can't move into our new place soon!

A great seafood place Nick wanted to take me to; he came here last year and loved it

SO much food (it IS the south!). Crawfish, catfish and shrimp - all breaded (not my typical meal, but we were living on the edge ;)) with fries. It was amazing however I could only finish about half :)

And of course... southern sweet tea! It's more like sugar with a little bit of tea, but it tastes amazing and it had been about a year since we had any. It was great on a hot HUMID day!

It rained every day we were there; at this point, we pulled over to wait it out as we were on our apartment tour day #1. It came down so hard, the streets around us had flash flooding.

We took a photo to entertain ourselves/capture the moment while we waited for it to pass

Our office (hotel) while we researched apartments. We loved this hotel after arriving at a sketchy-uncomfortable-feeling hotel initially. Luckily we (Nick) made a few changes for us to stay here. Thanks to Nick for that and thanks to his company for paying for our entire trip.

Hello, Dallas!

Another view of Dallas (part is covered by the fence) from Uptown, where we went Saturday night for a celebratory dinner after finding a place to live! Now we could relax and rest easier knowing our "work" for the trip was done.

The decor in the window of the place we ate dinner that night, Grimaldi's, a New York style thin crust pizza place. For those of you in Des Moines, it reminded me of Centro's pizza... yum! It was great food and a fun atmosphere. It's in a few other bigger cities, and their menu said Frank Sinatra and Rudy Guiliani are fans of their pizzeria too :)
Overall it was a great trip and we were so relieved to come home after finding our new place.
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