Monday, December 26, 2011

Our New Neighborhood

 We made so much progress over this long weekend and we're feeling so much better. It's hard for us to be in an unorganized mess, so we're resting easier now that we've got nearly all of the boxes out of here and got the furniture where we want it.

This afternoon, we were able to go on a walk and enjoy the 40 degree December day!

We have miles of trails near us and are excited to explore them more.

 Minnesota beauty!

We also tried these cookies tonight, they hit the spot.

The ingredients are better than many other packages cookies, they tasted tasty as always though!

 My mom added a new addition to our family that I haven't shared yet... meet Boo Boo (short for Brewster)! The funny thing is that he has my same birthday! He'll only be one this year, but we thought that was too funny that my mom adopted two children with the same birth dates :)

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas with your families and celebrated the Reason for the season. Our Christmas was pretty different this year, but we enjoyed quiet Christmas making progress in our new place. It also helps we were able to Skype with our families. 

More to come...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Glad you are getting settled in. Excited to see your new digs in person. Love you!

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