We've been married for two months already! We've gotten settled into our apartment and are feeling much more at home now. We also enjoy exploring the Twin Cities and learning more about our surroundings. It is tough for both of us to be a distance from most of our friends and family, yet we also know we will learn and grow through this. Nick has been through the "hometown withdrawals" before as he lived far from us all, but this is the first time I've lived away from my friends and family (for more than 10 weeks I suppose). I'm confident this will be a growing time for us all and we will become stronger because of it. We just may have to work a little bit harder at maintaining our relationships.
Weather has been changing around here! We've had two snowfalls now. One just today, which I'm pretty sure will melt quickly. The pictures below are taken outside of our bedroom window. One was taken Friday when it looked like fall, one was taken today, when it looks like winter- just 3 days makes a big difference! :) To me, the snow means Christmas is getting closer. Christmas is my favorite time of year- so cozy, family oriented, with hot chocolate by the fire place. I love the idea of being wrapped up and cozy with a tasty warm beverage and the people you love by your side. Today's snowfall led to me playing Christmas music for the first time of the year :) it was fun!
In other news, I'm job searching up here. It's been a hard time finding something, but I'm confident something will come along and it will be perfect. Nick has been so supportive through this process and I am so thankful to have such an amazing and understanding husband.
That's all I have for now, but we will write again soon!
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